Head's Blog

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Latest Head's Blog (Delaware and Gunnislake) 

I hope that you all had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. What a refreshing change to see the sunshine! I hope that you all managed to make the most of it- long may it continue. 
We were very fortunate last week to have visit from Mr Peter Salisbury, who is an ambulance driver. He brought his ambulance along to both school bases and showed the children the exterior, the interior and even let them see the flashing lights and sirens. Ambulances can be quite a frightening sight for children - they are fast moving and very loud. With their blacked-out windows they can also seen quite mysterious. Children often have a fear of the unknown but this visit has showed them what is behind the windows. Whist I hope that the children will never have to experience travelling in an ambulance, I hope that the visit would make the experience less scary.
Recently, the Reception children, along with some of the Nursery class had a fantastic session of Maypole dancing. It was wonderful to see the absolute joy on their faces they wound the ribbons around the pole. I was impressed by their skill and focus.
Last week some pupils in Year 5 have been taking part in the Bikeability programme. This scheme is run by our sport's partnership provider, Arena, and it teaches pupils how to ride safely on the roads. I presented them with certificates and badges in last week's celebration assembly and they were very proud of their achievements. 
I recently sent out a letter explaining Accelerated Reader levelled books and how we are using them in the school. If you missed it there is a copy uploaded below.
Congratulations to Year 3 who won the attendance award this week with 100%.
I hope that you all enjoy the sunny weekend!

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22nd March 2024 

As we reach the end of another few weeks at both bases, I wanted to say thank you for supporting the various events which have been taking place during the last couple of weeks. 
It was lovely to see so many of you at our 'fashion parade' during World Book Day. The children looked fantastic in their book character costumes and they spent the day engaging in a range of reading related tasks. I want to than all of the teachers for planning these activities for the children and also Miss Owen for coordinating the event. I have had lots of children tell me how much they enjoyed being on the 'catwalk'!
Mrs Hannaford and the football team have really enjoyed playing in the Callington Arena league. They have had a few wins, but the most admirable thing is that they have played with passion, good humour and determination- well done to all!
Last Friday was Comic Relief. Across the two bases we raised just over £140 which is amazing! I want to particularly thank members of the school council at the Gunnislake base who bravely put themselves forward to be 'gunged' for money. 
Y1 had a fantastic 'Wild Tribe' day on Tuesday where they made magic wands from willow, played games and toasted marshmallows over a camp fire.
We are looking forward to the Easter Bunny Hop next Thursday- thank you for all of your donations for the tombola.

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12th March 2024 

Delaware and Gunnislake sites update


The Department for Education have given us the ‘green light’ to officially confirm the split site arrangement we have had in place for the last 4 years.


This means that the move to Delaware being an infant school and Gunnislake being a junior school (over both sites) IS happening. We are looking to make this move formal in September 2024. 


Much of what happens currently will continue, we are looking at anything that might need to be adjusted to accommodate the permanent change. 


There will be some changes with admissions, although the local authority has already been working with us to support the new system. Parents with children new to EYFS will continue to register (this will all be through Delaware, no Gunnislake places) and then there will be an admissions process to apply for a Year 3 place when your child is in Year 2. This year we have this in hand with the local authority and you will receive a letter from them in April, confirming your child’s place at Gunnislake (although they will be attending Year 3/4 on the Delaware site). We are here to support you with any questions that might arise, nobody will miss out on school places who are currently with us.


The minibus will continue to run between sites, as we know this is something that many of you rely on.


 Should you have any questions about any aspect of this confirmation, please contact Mrs Cox at school, as we are all working very closely on this.



Best Wishes,

Mrs Cox (Headteacher), Mr Wright (Chair of Governors), Mrs Sanson (Area Executive Head) and Mr Massey (Chief Executive)


Week ending 1st March 2024 

The weeks have flown by and I know that most of you use Seesaw to be kept up to date on what is happening in school, but I thought that I would give you a broader overview of life lately in both bases,
Thank you to Mrs Trapp in her role as leader of the fundraising club. The recent 'penny war' raised a brilliant £96.48. The 'war' element was won by Year 4 who collected £37.87, second was Year 2 who collected £23.88 and 3rd place was Year 3 who collected £16.87. 
Another massive thanks needs to go to Mrs, Hannaford, who has spent a great deal of time training and organising the school football teams. The teams are going from strength to strength and, even though they don't win every time, they are really developing as a team.
I want to continue to thank the Friends for organising all of the events to raise funds for our schools.Their latest newsletter has been sent via Seesaw and is also available on the website. Last week we had a workshop with local artists where some of our children made a start on the 'giants' for Callington MayFest. This year we are creating a 'Phoenix'.
Last week some of the Year 3/Year 4 represented the schools in the annual 'Songfest' event. 11 amazing children represented both schools brilliantly on stage in Launceston town hall. Huge thanks to Miss Owen for rehearsing the choir and to Mrs Pearce for transporting the pupils to the event. Also to Mrs Trapp who chaperoned the children alongside Miss Owen during the afternoon/evening. Thank you also to parents who attended the event to support their children.
Looking forward too World Book Day next Thursday!


Week ending 5th January 2024 

Welcome back! I hope that you all had a lovely time with your families over the festive period. It was lovely to see all of the children once again this week but I think that I speak for everyone when I say that we were all glad that it was a short week as everyone was a little tired after the holidays.
I want to say a big 'thank you' to pupils from Year 5 who created a lovely animation demonstrating one of the Trust's values of excellence. The animations were then shared this afternoon via a Teams meeting with all of the other Trust schools- what a lovely event.
Today marks the last day before Miss Hambly officially starts her maternity leave. I know that you will join me in wishing her the very best. I thought that you might like to see a picture of her and her leaving gifts (which we shared with her on the last day of term.) Have great weekend - see you all next week. The half termly newsletter will be sent to you next week.

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Week ending 15th December 2023 

It's been a very Christmas filled week at both bases. On Wednesday the children enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch- thank you to all who cooked and helped serve and clear up! Friday evening saw a fantastic Design Technology exhibition. It showcased fabulous work from all year groups. Over 60 parents with their children attended the event and enjoyed viewing the exhibition, buying some of the lovely Christmas crafts that the children had made and enjoying games, pizza and other refreshments. Thank you to all of the staff who gave up their time to run the event and to the Friends of Delaware and Gunnislake for running refreshments, games and the raffle.

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Weeks ending 8th December 

What a fantastic couple of weeks we have had at both bases. On Tuesday 28th November the Year 3/Year 4 girls' football team played their final match of the league and came from 0-0 at half time to beat Bishop Cornish, who are a much more experienced team, 2-0! Well done girls and Mrs Hannaford. We are all really proud of you and look forward to the next tournament. 
It has been lovely to see all of you at the book fair during this week- thank you for supporting the school by purchasing some of the beautiful books on display.
Our Year 1 and Year 2 classes gave two fantastic performances of 'A Twinkly Nativity' to families on Thursday 7th December. The singing was superb and those with speaking parts were loud and clear. The evening performance was so well attended that it was 'standing room only'. Thank you to all of the staff who worked so hard to make it a success and to the Friends for providing refreshments.
The Y2 children enjoyed a fabulous day at the theatre watching a production of Raymond Brigg's "Father Christmas". Miss Evans reported back that the children thought it was 'magical'!
As we enter our final full week of term, here is a reminder of some of the upcoming events.
Wednesday 13th December- Christmas lunch - wear Christmas jumpers!
Friday 15th December- Design Technology Exhibition- 6pm at the Delaware base.
Tuesday 19th December - Carol Service and Christingle 1.30pm at the Delaware base.
Tuesday 19th December- End of term.
Have a great weekend!

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Week ending 24th November 2023 

Another packed week at both bases. I was privileged to watch our girl's football team play on Tuesday. They were one player short and put up a fantastic defensive performance against Callington. They didn't let up the whole match and I was super proud to watch them. Thank you once again to Mrs Hannaford for coaching them and parents who transported and supported them. On Thursday Mrs Hannaford and I took 2 teams of 6 Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to a Trust wide handball tournament which was held at Callywith College in Bodmin.All of the children were amazingly sporting and they worked really well as a team. They were brilliant ambassadors for the schools. Thank you Kody, Bettsie, Sam, Elsie, Josh, Eleanor, Lowri, Karena, Isabelle, Mikey, Freddie and Alfie!

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Weeks ending 17th November 2023 

The past few weeks have been as busy as ever in school. On Friday 10th November we had lovely assemblies at both bases where we wore poppies and thought about the people and animals who lost their lives in wars over the years. At 11 o'clock we observed a 2 minute silence and all of the children were really thoughtful and respectful.
This week we have been celebrating anti- bullying week- thinking about how we are all different and how we can celebrate these differences. One of the key messages has been that no-one should be teased or bullied for being different to others- a powerful message to carry through into adulthood.

On Tuesday of this week Mrs Hannaford took our first ever girl's football team to a tournament held at Callington College. Mrs Hannaford reported that they played with determination, spirit and great resilience. Even though they didn't win their matches on this occasion, they grew in confidence throughout the games. Well done girls and a huge thank you to Mrs Hannford for organising and accompanying the team.
On Friday we wore pyjamas/spots and raised money for Children in Need. Thank you for supporting us with your donations.
This week also saw the first signs of Christmas with the arrival of Christmas trees in both bases. Thank you to Mole Valley in Tavistock for donating 3 trees and to Mr Symons for collecting them. The children were extremely excited to see their arrival! Have a lovely weekend.

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Weeks ending 3rd November 2023 

Thank you to all of the families who joined us for our Harvest Festival just before half term. I was delighted to be able to drop off several bags of donations for the Callington Foodbank. I hope that you enjoyed out assembly. The children really enjoyed singing all of the Harvest songs, I hope that you enjoyed listening to them. 
Half term went by in the blink of an eye and it has been another packed week since we have returned. It was great fun to see all of the children in their Halloween costumes on Tuesday- we had very excited children all day. We were pleased to be able to stay open during storm Ciaran in Thursday and were pleased that everyone was safe.I hope that you all received an email with a copy of the latest school newsletter- there are also paper copies in the foyer.
Have a good weekend.

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.