Class Blog for Daymer Bay

Daymer Bay - Year 6  


Whilst continuing to prepare for our KS2 SATs tests, Year 6 have also been having fun in the wider curriculum!

In History, we have been learning about the lives of the people living in Ancient Greece - their lifestyle, beliefs, hobbies, politics and much more!

In RE, we have been learning about the Hindu religion. We now understand why Hindus try to live a good life. Ask us about Samsara, Karma, Dharma and Moksha!

In French, linked to the Ancient Greeks and the fact that this year is an Olympic year, we have been learning about the Olympics and Olympic sports!

In Science, we have been learning all about electricity. We have learned how to make a circuit in both series and parallel; how to spot an error in a circuit; how to investigate which components can change the brightness of a bulb or the volume of a buzzer and how to make a simple set of traffic lights!

In PE, we have been practising our Athletics skills and in PSHE, we have been learning the best ways in which to live healthy, safe lives. Last week, we also welcomed Peter back. He brought his ambulance in and taught us lots about how the ambulance service can help us if and when we need them! 

After SATs, we will be completing a fun Art project, experimenting with paint in the style of Frida Kahlo and we will also be learning how to use the Microbits in Computing.


Daymer Bay - Year 6  


In Year 6, as well as working hard preparing for our SATs tests in May, we have also been learning about a variety of different Art techniques.

First, we sketched feathers using pencil and crayons. Next, we drew pictures of wild British birds. After that, we made a design, based on feathers, which we then transferred to a clay tablet.

Then we used wax pencils to sketch out these designs on fabric, to be dyed in a batik style.

Finally, we made our birds into 3-D models, using newspapers, PVA glue and tissue paper. They were definitely full of character, just like Year 6!


Daymer Bay - Year 6 


On Friday, we were delighted to raise money for Comic Relief - Red Nose Day. The School Council met with Mrs Cox to come up with some fundraising ideas and it was agreed that we would wear mufti and pay to 'pie the school council'!

During the day, we also used our revision from English, about instructional texts, to create and follow a recipe for baking and decorating cupcakes!

We also carried out a variety of activities linked to Red Nose day, but by far the most enjoyable part of the day came in the afternoon, when the school council were pied! (They had all volunteered, were protected by goggles and had permission from their adults!)

Needless to say, it was very messy and there was lots of laughter - all for a very good cause! The school council were brilliant sports!


Daymer Bay - Year 6 


Another busy month for Year 6! Our French is linking nicely to our Science, as we are learning how to describe different habitats in French!

In PE, we have moved from football to handball but it has been brilliant to see some of our girls and boys using the football skills they developed during the Autumn, representing the school in some mixed tournaments. They have all made us very proud, showing great team spirit both on and off the pitch!

The week of the 5th-11th February was 'Children's Mental Health Week' and the children took part in a variety of activities, promoting good mental health, including making worry dolls and annotating self-portraits with positive statements about how they feel about each other - it was heart-warming to see the smiles of the children when they got their self-portraits of themselves back and read the lovely thoughts of their classmates!

In RE, we have been tackling the big question of 'Science vs. Religion - Conflicting or Complimentary?' and once again, Year 6 showed what brilliant learners they are, asking deep questions and debating with maturity and consideration.


Daymer Bay - Year 6  


We returned to school at the start of January to extremely cold weather, which only got colder!

Year 6 jumped straight back into their learning, with their 'Big Enquiry Question' being, 'Who made my corner of the world special, long ago?' In this unit, we are not only exploring our rich and diverse Cornish history, but we are also honing our Historical study skills, examining different sources in order to decide which are accurate and which may contain some sort of bias - Year 6 are very good History Detectives!

In English, we have been writing our own portal stories and in Maths, we have been learning about Ratio and Proportion and now we are part-way through a unit on Algebra - today we learned how to write formulae!

In Science, we are learning all about 'Living Things and their Habitats'. We understand why there is a need for all living organisms to be classified and we know that the acronym 'MRS GREN' can help us to remember what all living things need in order to be classified as 'Living'. We have also been studying the work of Carl Linnaeus, using Taxonomy to classify all living things according to their shared characteristics. 

In Music, we have begun to learn how to play the Ukulele; in PE, we are learning the skills needed for football; in French we are learning about different habitats and the plants and animals that live in them and in Computing, we are brushing up on our online safety - February 6th will be 'Safer Internet Day'.

Finally, we were all delighted to come into school last week, look out of the window and see snow! Naturally, we had to go outside and explore - even in Year 6, the snow is magical - and rare - so we took a little moment to enjoy the sprinkling we were given, even managing to create a couple of snow angels!


Spring 2024 - Daymer Bay 


Daymer Bay - Year 6  


It has been another busy month for Year 6! In English, we finished writing our adventure stories and then turned our pens to the task of writing a balanced argument about the benefits and drawbacks of tourism in Cornwall. We finished the term writing Haikus about Christmas.

In Maths, we continued to learn about fractions - we can now multiply and divide fractions, as well as solving problems using our new-found fractions skills.

In Science, we continued to learn about the heart and circulatory system, investigating the benefits of exercise and learning how alcohol and drugs can affect our bodies.

In Geography, we continued to investigate how land-use has changed in Cornwall and we did some research into possible future land-use, ranging from harnessing tidal power to lithium mining.

For the Design & Technology event, we researched, designed, made and evaluated our own pop-up Christmas cards - we were very pleased with the finished products and we hope many of you were able to drop in to Delaware to see them!

On the final day of the term, we were delighted to see many of you at the carol concert and Christingle service and we were even more delighted when all candles had been safely blown out!

Merry Christmas to you all and we wish you a very peaceful and happy new year! See you all in 2024!


Daymer Bay - Year 6  


Another busy month for Year 6! In English, we finished writing our own innovated adventure stories, including as many suspense features as possible - it turns out, we are quite a dramatic group of children!

In Maths, we began our first unit on Fractions, learning how to add and subtract fractions, as well as simplify and convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Our Big Enquiry question this half term is, 'Is change always for the better?' where we have been using our geography skills to focus on Cornwall in particular. We have been researching historical and current land use and we have been predicting what the future may hold in store for our beautiful county.

In French, we have been learning how to talk about the weather and in Computing, we have been using 'Scratch' to create coding for an animated story.


Daymer Bay - Year 6  


Year 6 have had another busy month! In English, we finished our Anglo-Saxon newspaper reports and then used these skills to write another newspaper report about a mysterious dragon that had appeared in our village - some chose for their dragon to be kind and friendly - others, not so much!

In Maths, we finished our unit on Place Value and then stormed on with a unit about the four operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We are all aiming to have efficient formal written methods for all of these.

In Science, we completed our unit on Light and we also finished our historical enquiry question, 'Why do people invade and settle?' (Based upon the Anglo-Saxon era) I was delighted to see more Anglo-Saxon settlements coming into school - some physically and others designed in all sorts of creative ways - one even using Minecraft! There is plenty of time to bring yours in after half term - they will make an amazing display!

In PE, we developed our orienteering skills and we also welcomed back Katie Thick, who worked with us on the difference between sympathy and empathy and also conflict resolution. For now, we say thank you and farewell to Katie, as she is moving areas, but we look forward to welcoming a new friend after half term. 

The children have worked incredibly hard over the past half term and they have all impressed us with their positive attitude to their learning. It is because of this, that they have filled the pebble jar and have earned themselves a treat after half term! For now, please get plenty of rest, children - the half term leading up to Christmas (yes, I said the word!) is a long and busy one and we look forward to welcoming your fresh faces back after half term - we are so very proud of you all!


Daymer Bay - Year 6 


Welcome back to a new school year and a big  welcome to Daymer Bay Class! 

Mrs David is the new Year 6 teacher and she has a wonderful team working with her - the amazing Miss Cunningham and Mrs Gates!

Year 6 are adapting well to all the changes and have quickly settled beautifully into new routines and topics. They are clearly a class who are keen to learn and interested in the world around them.

This half term, our big question asks, 'Why do people invade and settle?' and the children have loved absorbing themselves in the life of the Anglo-Saxons, building their own settlements, learning about Anglo-Saxon life and writing newspaper reports about the events surrounding the Battle of Hastings.

In Science, we have been learning about the properties of light, making our own periscopes, investigating the way in which lights travels and shadows are formed and also learning about how light can be split and why and how we see different colours. 

We were also fortunate enough to have a 2nd prize winner in the Honey fair and have democratically welcomed 4 of our class members onto this year's school council. It looks to be an exciting year ahead of us, with lots of hard work as we prepare for our SATs, but also lots of fun along the way! Check back here each month for more updates!


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

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