Class Blog for Fistral

May and June 

We have been busy thinking about our big question 'What is it Like in Africa?'
We have used maps and atlases to locate Africa and to find out which countries, rivers and cities are part of Africa.

Then we focussed more closely on Kenya and the children have blown me away with their knowledge and understanding of the country.
They can talk at length about what physical and human features you might find there, compared to where we live.
 We also studied the climate, completing our weather chart, comparing weather and temperature in Nairobi and Drakewalls.

In Science we have been learning all about the animals that live in Africa, the range of different habitats in the country and how the animals are suited to the habitat they live in.

In DT we have been exploring African materials, patterns and masks to help inspire us to design our own masks. Then we had a go at making them, trying to copy our designs carefully. 

In Art we have been studying the work of Vincent van Gogh, learning all about him and discussing his paintings. Then we had a go at recreating the patterns and colours from his 'Starry Night' painting. Finally we created our own version of this painting and showed them off in our Art Exhibition.

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April 2024 

April has been a short month due to the Easter holidays but we have still managed to pack in lots of learning.

In English we have been learning about stories by the same author, Lauren Child. We have been enjoying her Clarice Bean stories and are currently working on planning our own.

Maths has been all about fractions so far this term. We have learnt how to recognise and find equal groups, recognise and find a half, a quarter and three quarters of a shape and a quantity. 

Our big question this half term is 'Who was Francis Drake and why was he important?'
We have enjoyed finding out about his voyages and learnt some grisly facts about life on the 'Golden Hind'
Most of us have seen his statue in Tavistock so we know he is important locally. We are looking forward to our trip to Buckland Abbey to find out more.

Art has been all about Vincent van Gogh. We have been looking at his paintings and discussing what we notice and like/don't like about them.
We have learnt about tints and shades and have experimented with colours and patterns in his style. Next we will be trying to reproduce his 'Starry Night' painting for our art exhibition at the end of May.

Science has been all about plants. We had fun dissecting seeds and comparing them to bulbs. Then we planted some seeds with varying amounts of light and water and are waiting to see what will happen to them. 

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March 2024 

We have had lots of fun and managed to take some of our learning outside despite the wet weather.

In Science we have been learning about 'Living Things and Their Habitats'.
We started by classifying things that are living, non-living, dead and never been alive. Then we learnt about different habitats around the world and how the animals that live there, adapt to their environment and depend on each other for survival. We managed to spend some time in the woods looking at micro-habitats and undertaking a survey of bugs that we found there.
In Computing we have been learning all about programmable toys and our teacher was very impressed that we can all explain what 'algorithm' means!

We have also been creating some amazing sketches of the view of our playground in the style of Lowry. We learnt lots of techniques beforehand such as hatching, crosshatching, stippling and shading. We also had fun creating matchstick figures and adding details to them. We tried to include many of these techniques in our sketches.

Our topic 'Where Do We Live?' had a mainly Geography focus. We really enjoyed our walk around the local area identifying human and physical features and created some fabulous maps for another class who wanted to know the way to the park. 

Wishing you all a relaxing Easter break with your families.

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February 2024 

February was a short month due to half term but we have still managed to pack in lots of learning.

In literacy we have been writing instructions about how to make an aeroplane out of recycled materials which we had actually made in DT so this helped us know what to write.

In numeracy we have had fun measuring length in centimetres and metres.

In Geography we have been exploring maps of the local area and comparing them to satellite views. We really enjoyed this, spotting where we live and local landmarks.
We have learnt what physical features are and what human features are.
We have also been discussing symbols and keys and had a go at drawing our own maps of the school and surrounding area.
We are just waiting for some dry weather so we can go for a walk in our local area now.

Art has been all about drawing and we have explored drawing different types of lines, shading, hatching, cross-hatching and stippling.
Again, we are waiting for the weather to improve so that we can take our art outside!

In music we have been learning to play the glockenspiel. We have learnt notes, B, A and G and have also learnt to put them together to play along to a tune. 

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January 2024 

January has been a busy month and we have been trying to answer the question 'Why was Amelia Earhart important?'.

In history we have been learning all about her adventures and achievements and the class have blown me away with their knowledge of the history of flight. This linked nicely to our literacy work where the children wrote a biography of Amelia Earhart's life.

In DT we have been designing and making aeroplanes which is ongoing. Have a look at our wonderful designs and we will post some pictures of the completed products when they are finished.

This half term has been learning all about multiplication and division in maths. The children have been able to recognise equal and non-equal groups, use stem sentences to describe arrays and problem solve using the 2, 5 and 10 times table.

Science has been all about humans and other animals. We recapped on the main animal groups, learnt about lifecycles and we can also explain what metamorphosis is! The children learnt about the basic needs for survival and also enjoyed an investigation into the best types of exercise for raising your heartbeat.
Finally we really enjoyed joining Steve Backshall for a live lesson all about sharks at the Marine Aquarium in Plymouth.

Well done for all your hard work this half term children, enjoy your half term break.

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January 2024 

Welcome back to school and Happy New Year! 

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break. Please see the attached newsletter for an outline of our learning for this half term.

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December 2023 

December has been a very busy month, with lots of time taken up working on our 'Twinkly Nativity'.
Despite some last minute nerves, (mostly mine!), the children performed brilliantly. They spoke with very loud, clear voices and their singing was amazing, they made us very proud.

We have also been working on the story 'The Elves and the Shoemaker' in literacy and wrote some wonderful stories.
In maths we have been learning all about money and how to recognise and add coins. We also learnt to make the same amount in different ways.

Finally we really enjoyed our Christmas theatre trip to watch Raymond Briggs 'Father Christmas'. We even got a signed copy of the book!

Merry Christmas and have a wonderful break with your families!


November 2023 

November has been a fun filled month. 

In art we have been experimenting with different watercolour techniques.
Then we learnt about Guy Fawkes in history and created some beautiful wax resist watercolour firework pictures.

In literacy we have been learning the poem 'Tell Me a Dragon' which was very exciting because we found a real dragon egg in our classroom!
After some discussion about the best way to look after it, we wrote some instructions. After a few days we were amazed to find that it had hatched and the dragon had escaped! 
We are still hunting for it and there have been many potential sightings. We have imagined what it might look like and written some amazing poems.

We have also learnt about the Hindu festival Diwali and made 'mango lassi' in DT. We have also been designing and making some beautiful diva lamps out of clay ready for our exhibition.

In geography we have been exploring our lovely new atlases and also learning a new song to help us learn the name of the continents and oceans. 

In maths we have been mainly focussing on developing our addition and subtraction skills this month.

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October 2023 

October was a short month in school with half term at the end but well deserved after all our hard work.

In science we were learning all about materials and why some are better suited to certain jobs. We had fun exploring different materials to see which we could bend, stretch, twist and squash. We also built houses made from different materials to see which was the strongest. We decided Lego was strongest but had the best fun making dens from sticks in our outdoor learning area.

In music we have been learning to sing in rounds and we have also learnt a few different songs about the Great Fire of London. We then chose our favourite song and appraised it, listening to see which instrument we could hear, drawing pictures that we imagine when listening to it and discussing how the music makes us feel.

We enjoyed coming to school dressed up on 'Big Me Day' and thinking about what we would like to be when we grow up.

In computing we have been using a drawing programme to learn how to use different sized brushes and tools and also different colours. Then we used what we had learnt to try and draw a picture of a Tudor house.

The highlight  of this month was a visit from Callington fire brigade who brought in their fire engine to teach us about fire safety. They showed us around the appliance and taught us what all the different equipment is for. We even had a go at using the hose, it was brilliant!

Finally on the last day we gathered with our friends and families for our annual Harvest assembly.

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September 2023 

Welcome to Fistral Class Year 2.

In the first week we discussed the school rules, rewards and consequences every day to make sure we are all very clear with them.
The children have settled really well and are already enjoying earning gems in the jar, certificates, stickers, Headteacher awards and our very special 'Friday Phone-call'.

Our big question this half term is 'What Happened in the Great Fire of London?'
We have enjoyed listening to the story of the Great Fire and we watched the Magic Grandad episode to teach us all about it. We found out who Samuel Pepys was and why he was important. Our history and literacy work have both been linked to this question. We now know why the fire spread so quickly and how people tried to tackle it. We have compared and contrasted fire equipment from Tudor times to modern day and we also enjoyed looking at old maps from the time of the Great Fire.

In art we have created some wonderful collages using warm colours for the background and bold black lines in the shape of Tudor houses on top to create effect.
We have also looked closely at the features of Tudor houses and used cereal boxes to make our own, copying the features carefully.

Maths has been all about place value so far.

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.