Class Blog for Perranporth

May 2024 Blog 

We are already more than halfway through this half term and it has been as busy as ever here in Perranporth.

Firstly, the children spent 2 weeks completing a bikeability course where the children took to the local roads to improve their cycling skills. The children had an amazing time on their bikes and were definitely tired by the end of each day! At the end of the course, each child received a certificate and a pin to recognise their progress. Hopefully they can complete the next level of the course in year 6.

Secondly we had a visit by an ambulance and the children got the opportunity to explore the kit of an ambulance and try out moving a child patient just like paramedics do. The children loved this, it looked like they were carrying around a mummy!

Inside class the class have been immersing themselves in the Michael Morpurgo classic Kensuke’s Kingdom. We have read the entire story in English and have been exploring the characters and the relationships between them. The children were very keen to finish it as quickly as possible and some were crying with the ending! In English they will be creating a new chapter to go in the story. I am very excited to see what they can do.

In other lessons, the children have looked at statistics and angles in Maths, animals and their life cycles in science, Mexico in Geography, the work of Vincent Van Gogh in Art, and athletics in P.E. This half term is fast paced, but the children are handling it well.

Overall it’s been an amazing start to this half term, and the children are slowly being prepared for transition to year 6 in September and I know the rest of this half term will fly by. Have a lovely rest of the half term! Mr. Sherwood


March 2024 Blog  

March 2024 Blog.

Wow, where did that half term go! We have definitely had the shortest but busiest 6 weeks here in Perranporth. Here are some of the highlights.

World book day.

On world book day, all of the children from Gunnislake dressed as their favourite book characters and spent the day at Delaware doing lots of different world book day activities. What made this day special was that the children from across both schools were mixed together in groups, so each group had children from reception all the way to year 6! The whole day was wonderful, the children worked really well with the younger children and took their responsibility of looking after them very seriously. At the end of the day, there was a parade for all the children to show off their fantastic costumes to one another. Each class had a best costume prize awarded and in our class that was won by Ivy S for her beautiful Fiona costume.

Wild tribe day.

On wild tribe day, we had a lovely lady come and spend the day with the class teaching them various survival techniques, this included learning some basic first aid. The children also learnt how to make shelters and make fire using cotton wool, Vaseline and a fire starter survival tool. By the end of the day, the children were able to successfully identify the contents of a first aid kit, put others into the recovery position, and put a sling on another children. The children really enjoyed this day and the large variety of activities that they completed and were very well behaved throughout the entire day, even when they got a bit wet!

Alternative sports day.

Last Thursday, half of the class went to Looe school to compete in an alternative sports day against 11 other schools in the trust. The children competed in frisbee golf, street surfing, fencing and mini-Segwaying. The children received specialist training for each activity and then had friendly competitions to see how their skills have developed. The children enjoyed it immensely and have requested for the school to buy all this equipment in! It was also lovely to hear from various schools and staff about how well behaved, respectful and courteous our children well. The children represented the schools in a fantastic manner. Ultimately, we did not win, however, the team running the day acknowledged how well our children did all day.

And with that, the spring term has come to an end, the children have had a wonderful 12 weeks, and they are all very tired and definitely ready for a break. I hope you all have a lovely Easter holidays, stay safe, and I look forward to seeing everyone for the summer term.

Happy Easter, Mr. Sherwood.


January 2024 blog 

I cannot believe the first half term of 2024 is nearly complete. It has been a very busy few weeks in Perranporth. Here are some of the highlights. 

In English, the children explored the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii through the story escape from Pompeii. 

The children created their own recount of the story with their own characters and escape (but not for all their characters). A highlight of this was their creation of a volcanic eruption description based of this image (right). They were all very impressive!

In Math's, the children have continued to develop their knowledge and understanding of multiplication and division and fractions. A highlight of this was the children's strong reasoning with short division and multiplying a unit fraction by an integer. The children have also been developing their understanding of percentages through their 3-minute challenges, building up to their decimals and percentages unit after half term.

In History, the children have been learning about the Romans and Roman Britain. The children have explored: why the romans invaded Britain, why they left, what daily life was like in the Roman empire, and the Romans in general. A highlight of this was the children conducting their own research on a topic to do with the Romans and then presenting it to the class. They produced beautiful and informed posters and presented them well in front of the whole class. Something that is not easy for adults, let alone children, so they all felt very proud of themselves for this.

The highlight of the month has to be the visit the children received from the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth. The children explored energy generation, climate change and conducted experiments which demonstrated the effects climate change is having on the oceans. The lesson was capped off by a VR experience visiting the National Marine Park in Plymouth sound. The first of its kind in the UK! Seeing Plymouth Sound underwater in VR was an amazing experience for the children. There were many screams when they came up close and personal with a very large crab in VR!

It truly has been a busy but very productive half term here in Perranporth. On a personal note, it has been a pleasure getting to know all the children in the class over the last few weeks. I am enjoying teaching them immensely, and I am looking forward to continue their year 5 journey with them for the rest of the year. They have definitely earned a break. Enjoy the half term. Mr. Sherwood.


January 2024 

Welcome to Perranporth class - 2024! Please see below for the class newsletter- detailing our learning for this year!

I look forward to meeting many of the parents during the course of the term.

Mr Sherwood.

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November 2023

Christmas has arrived already here in Year 5.
We have spent the last few weeks planning, making and evaluating hanging Christmas decorations. We had to meet a design specification, create possible plans before designing a final bauble. Then we got to make! For many of us, it was our first time using FIMO clay and we learnt a lot; from rolling it out, using a cutter and finely crafting our patterns. We came across many hurdles which we strived to overcome, such as: cleaning equipment between colours and altering our designs slightly so that we can produce the best possible product. Look at some of the amazing results below. Our tree was then displayed in the local church for their annual Christmas tree festival!
Alongside these amazing creations, we learnt a lot about conducting a Science experiment this month. We learnt how to conduct a fair test and why a fair test is important (to ensure reliable results). We made a prediction about which materials we thought would dissolve in water and then carried out a fair test to see how accurate we were in our predictions. We explained these fully in our written conclusions.

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October 2023

This month in Perranporth Class we have learnt a lot more about WWII, including; why it happened, what the treatment of the Jewish (among many others) was like and the definitions of some key vocabulary (invasion and resistance). Combined with our Literacy, we have looked a lot at the Diary of Anne Frank, read some extracts and learnt even more about how Hitler and the Nazi party treated some groups of people. We have thought carefully about how this treatment compares to other periods throughout history and how reliable Anne's recount of these events are.
In PE this term, we have been learning outdoor and adventurous activities with the coaches from Arena. We have learnt more about the compass points and how to use a compass to find our way. We have followed maps and solved problems by cooperating as a team. And in French, we have been learning the names of some common classroom objects and why some have different determiners (based on whether the French consider the objects masculine or feminine). 
On the first day back after half term, we were joined by some members of the local Rotary Club to help us develop our first aid skills. We learnt bandaging skills, how to put a person into the recovery position and how to stop them from choking among other things.

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September 2023

I can't believe we have been back for almost 4 weeks already! We've been very busy in Year 5.
To start the year, we learnt about The Lionesses and what inspiration we can take from them to help us be resilient in our learning. While we were researching them , we took the opportunity to try out and evaluate some different search engines. In music, we have begun learning the different notes on the keyboards with the wonderful Mr Jane on Fridays.
Just this week we have begun learning about WWII, mainly focussing on when it was so far. But we have been learning about the evacuation process through our class story: When the Starts Went On.

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Welcome Back to Perranporth!

Please find below the outline for the Autumn Term 2023.

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.