Class Blog for The ARC

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Musical end of year 

The year ended on a busy note for us. We relished our trip to the Box Museum, where viewing artifacts from the Ancient Egyptian era linked to our history studies this term was fascinating.

Fortunately, the rain held off during our Sports week, allowing us to enjoy our races thoroughly.

In Science, we've delved into the world of sound this half term. Discovering the mechanics of how we perceive sound has been intriguing.

When sound reaches us, the air particles inside our ear canal vibrate and strike the eardrum. This causes the eardrum to vibrate, and these vibrations are transmitted to three tiny bones in the ear known as the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. The stirrup bone impacts the cochlea, which converts the vibrations into electrical signals that are sent to our brain through the auditory nerve. Once the signal arrives at our brain, it interprets the signal as the sound we perceive.

To delve deeper into sound, we applied our Design and Technology (DT) skills to create our own instruments. We started by designing our instrument, then proceeded to construct it using skills such as drilling, sawing, gluing, and finishing. Our efforts culminated in a proud performance at the end of the term.

We bid a bittersweet farewell to two of our boys from the ARC as they embark on their journey to Secondary school this coming September. 
Wishing David and Joe the very best of luck. 

May everyone have a delightful Summer holiday.


June in the ARC 

June in the ARC

This month many of our learning experiences have been outside. 

We had our Summer picnic down at Cotehele Quay. The boys enjoyed paddling and making huge splashes in the stream. We enjoyed an ice cream up at the cafe afterwards. Luckily the weather was kind to us and we had a beautiful day for it. 

It has also been Sport's Day this month. All of our children have taken part in some way. David and Joe are our Y6s and they were able to be part of the Gun Run teams. They both worked brilliantly in their red and blue teams to take the gun to pieces, run to the other end of the field, rebuild and bring back. Both teams one a race each! They also participated in the races on Friday when parents were able to watch proudly and enjoy a picnic with their children. 

In cooking we have been using seasonal produce to cook with: strawberry smoothies, tomato salsa and pesto pasta. We always enjoy cooking but only some of us enjoy the eating!




Spring and Planting Time

It is lovely to see some sunshine in between the rain. The boys have been able to get outside and plant the potatoes they chitted. We also managed to plant the carrots and Sunflowers that we grew indoors from seed.

We have enjoyed looking at the Seasons and making Leaf/Clay impressions. 

As we have also been looking at using are senses this term, we enjoyed using our ears to hear different sounds in the outside environment.


April in the ARC 

April in the ARC

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nunc purus, iaculis ut nulla id, condimentum euismod ligula. Aenean ut lorem purus. Etiam ac sodales sapien. Praesent bibendum congue ipsum in ullamcorper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Fusce tincidunt ac urna in faucibus. Sed tristique velit eu rhoncus aliquam. Curabitur mauris nulla, maximus dapibus tempus non mattis at urna. Sed et dapibus eros, eu venenatis est. Donec scelerisque interdum odio, vitae suscipit eros laoreet sed. Sed blandit nulla elit. Donec eget porta sem.

Praesent aliquam libero vitae rutrum bibendum. Donec consequat velit et consequat ultrices. Nunc porttitor lorem est, et porttitor ex facilisis id. Duis egestas condimentum erat id eleifend. Integer quis fermentum metus. Nulla eu neque vitae nibh hendrerit dignissim. Sed vulputate quam vitae fringilla euismod. Mauris eget pellentesque velit, sit amet euismod enim. Nunc lacus tellus, pretium nec diam ac, sollicitudin lacinia tellus.



Spring time and Science

Solids, Liquids and Gasses.

We have been busy with our science this term to witness the changes that happen during some solid and liquid experiments.

First we made Ice decorations showing that liquid can change to a solid and then back to a liquid using the freezing and melting method.

Secondly in science we cut up fruit and mixed with our liquid (yogurt) and froze it to see if we could make it into a solid. It froze and made delicious fruit lollipops.

When we froze water, milk, vinegar and apple juice, some of us thought the milk would freeze first, some the water and some the vinegar. The water froze first with the milk at a close second.

Finally we decided to see if we could turn a solid into a liquid by using the melting process. I think the boys enjoyed this the most. The water that reached boiling point during the melting process turned into a gas (we could see this by the the steam rising).


February in the ARC 

February in the ARC

There has been lots to celebrate in the ARC this February with birthdays and Valentine's Day. 

Our topic is Dinosaurs. We have been baking Dinosaur biscuits, creating fossils like the ones that Mary Anning found, creating Dinosaur skeletons out of pasta and building large scale 3D dinosaurs. Watch this space for the Dinosaur stories that we have worked on in literacy. All the ARC children have engaged really well with the topic! 

Freddie has been enjoying his piano playing and messy play. He is getting brilliant at using some of his symbols to communicate. We are very proud of him. 

Our newest member of the ARC, Eddie is settling in nicely. He loved making his dinosaur skeleton! 




We have been busy this January working on our water theme. We have recreated Monet picutres in Art and made fish out of willow and tissue paper. In Geography we have looked at the wonderful world where we have been learning about the seven Continents and five Oceans. Our cooking sessions have also been connected with water and liquid.

In Science we are learning about Solids, liquids and gases. We decided to make a Lava lamp to see what happens to the oil and water. The oil had greater density as it stayed at the bottom while the water stayed at the top. The bubbles were created by the fizzing tablets.

We enjoyed making Ice decorations, using natural items such as leaves, sticks, fir cones, conkers and flowers. We showed that liquid can change to a solid and then back to a liquid using the freezing and melting method.

Finally we decided to see if we could turn a solid into a liquid by using the melting process. Using chocolate buttons we conducted a fair test by using two chocolate buttons in each container. We used the same amount of water but 3 different temperatures (cold, warm, boiled). I think the boys enjoyed this the most and concluded that the cold water left the chocolate as a solid, the warm water slightly melted and the boiled water completely melting the chocolate. They noticed that the chocolate still tasted the same on all three.


Spring Term in the ARC 

The Topic this term will be all about Water. It is a short term so we have lots to fit in!

In Art we are looking at the paintings of Monet and then creating our own water scenes with chalks and textiles. We will also be making 3D fish. We will also be working on some Computer Art this term.  Geography will focus on our Wonderful World where we will investigate the 7 continents and 5 oceans. In Science we will be learning about solids, liquids and gasses. Our cooking sessions will all involve using water. 

In the ARC we provide sensory activities for our pupils. This term, alongside individual sensory diets, we will be focusing deep pressure activities. 

We are all learning  Makaton together so that we can use to communicate using signing. This has been lots of fun! 

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 


December in the ARC 

It has been a very busy December in the ARC. We have enjoyed Christmas dinner, role play activities where we dressed as characters from the Nativity. We have made Christmas cakes and cards and enjoyed learning about the Christmas story in RE. We wish you all A Very Merry Christmas!


November in the ARC 


This has been another busy month. We  celebrated Bonfire Night at the beginning of the month and created fantastic firework pictures. We have also celebrated Anti-Bullying week. The children learnt about what bullying is. They thought about how they could help a friend that might be bullied; Joe suggested being extra kind to them. David said that they should tell someone. We created odd sock designs, wore odd socks and made odd socks biscuits. They tasted delicious. 

This term we have been learning about writing letters. The children have written letters to fairy tale characters, marked letters saying what could be improved. Jake read 'Dear Dinosaur' and has been exchanging letters with his own Stegasaurus. 

This month we celebrated David's birthday. He is now 11! The boys all posed together so that we could get a photo of nearly all of them together. 


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

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