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Posted 03/10/2023
by Lynn Cox

September 2023

We have had a busy first month in Year 4. They children have settled in and are getting used to the new routines and work load.

This month we have been looking into Climate Change. This has run through our Literacy, Geography and Science work. The children have researched and recapped what climate change is and its affect on the planet and more specifically, in Science, different habitats within the various climate zones. We read the book ‘The bear in the stars’ in Literacy and the children completed lots of work on word clauses and the structures of stories. They then re-wrote the story in their own words and wrote their own endings. After investigating the different climate zones the children picked an animal from three different zones and completed work on how climate change was affecting those animals and their habitats.

In Maths we have started our daily times table work this month as well as completing our place value unit. We have covered number lines, rounding and roman numerals. The children particularly enjoyed learning our roman numerals song.

In Art, the children have completed lots of work on Climate change, creating art work that represents the planet both with climate change and what the planet would look like if we were able to slow the rate of it down. The children also created multimedia posters to help encourage and persuade people to help curb climate change.

In Music they have investigated what pitch, tempo, dynamics and rhythm mean and listened to lots of different styles of music to better understand the instruments involved. The children also listened to the ‘Carnival of the Animals’ and made notes about the animals they believed the music was representing, they then sketched these in the sketchbooks whilst re-listening to the music.

In RE the children have begun looking at Hinduism in Britain. In particular they have looked at how Hindus worship and show their faith in Modern Britain.


Lusty Glaze   September 2023

Posted 02/10/2023
by Louise Owen

Welcome to the Lusty Glaze page.

Here in Year 3 we work hard and try to showcase our learning in lots of different ways.  Here is a snapshot of what we've been upto this month.


Our 'big question' this half term is What Was Life Like In The Stone Age?  We've been reading Stig of the Dump by Clive King and finding out lots about a Stone Age way of life.

Science, French, PE and RE.

We've been learning the Creation Story in RE and finding out about what makes our world wonderful.  In French we've been learning colours and how to count.  
In Science we've been investigating magnets; how they work, what is attracted to them, how they repel each other.
In PE we've been learning how to play football and been focusing on passing the ball and being good team mates.

Achievement Assembly

Most of our work goes on SeeSaw and every week we put up a photo of those people who get certificates in assembly.  There are certificates for: handwriting, reading, school values, PE, TA choice (thank you award).


The ARC   September in the ARC

Posted 02/10/2023
by Johanna Thomas

September in the ARC. 

It has been a busy month. We have welcomed our newest member, Eddie,  into the ARC. Eddie has made a great start and we are looking forward to him joining us full time in the near future. 

We have focused on working together this month and there have been many times during the day where we all sit together; music, circle time, feelings time and snack/ lunch times. The children are really learning how to be respectful with each other which has been lovely to see. 

Life skills continues to be an important aspect of ARC learning. The children now have a morning/ afternoon jobs routine. They also take turns to be our snack monitor. 

We have also begun a daily yoga session in the morning. The children are learning new yoga poses and it has proved a very popular session. 

All of our learning in the ARC is planned on an individual basis according to need. Freddie has been learning to build towers ( and knock them down!) while Eddie has been practicing his mark making with paint sticks. We look forward to  more October/ Autumn learning



Posted 29/09/2023
by Caroline Hambly

September 2023

I can't believe we have been back for almost 4 weeks already! We've been very busy in Year 5.
To start the year, we learnt about The Lionesses and what inspiration we can take from them to help us be resilient in our learning. While we were researching them , we took the opportunity to try out and evaluate some different search engines. In music, we have begun learning the different notes on the keyboards with the wonderful Mr Jane on Fridays.
Just this week we have begun learning about WWII, mainly focussing on when it was so far. But we have been learning about the evacuation process through our class story: When the Starts Went On.


Head's Blog   Week ending 29th September 2023

Posted 28/09/2023
by Lynn Cox

A great

It has been a real pleasure  to see the children return to school and settle into their new classes, getting to know their new teachers, teaching assistants and classrooms.

Both school bases are looking really bright and fresh and the walls are gradually filling up with the children's learning.

Our new Reception class have settled in really well and are having a fantastic time learning all about themselves and their bodies!

Year 1 are looking at where they are in the world and covering lots of geography objectives. 
Year 2 are studying the 'Great Fire of London' and have made some very authentic looking Tudor houses.
Year 3 are reading Stig of the Dump and using this as a springboard to find out about the Stone Age.
Y4 are learning about the impact of climate change.
At the Gunnislake base Y5 are discovering about life in World War Two.
Y6 are looking at the Anglo Saxons through the question "Why do people invade and settle?"

Our priorities fro this academic year are to improve spelling across both bases. We are using a scheme called Twinkl spelling to help with this. We also want to get better at our handwriting and times tables. We have also made some changes to our behaviour plan. I will email all parents separately about this. Have a fantastic weekend!.




Posted 25/09/2023
by Michaela Wright


Welcome to the Year 4 blog page. Here you will find our class newsletters and monthly posts showing what we have been up to in class. For parents/carers don't forget to check our seesaw page for more regular updates and the children's work.

Please see below our class newsletter for Autumn 1.


The ARC   Welcome back to the Autumn term in the ARC

Posted 05/09/2023
by Sarah Sanson

I hope you have all had a lovely Summer holiday. It is great to get back and be ready for lots of fun, exciting activities this term.

This term we are looking at ‘The Food Journey’. Where does food go once we have chewed it up? What happens to our food?

We are also learning about discussions:

·         Are you for or against Zoos?

·         Is it important to wear school uniform?

·         Should we eat chocolate ice cream every day for dinner?

·         Should Children have a bed time?

We have a Geography focus this turn where we will be exploring ‘Magical Mapping’ looking at different types of maps, our local area and school.

Being Me is a one of our PSHE subjects this term and we also will be exploring our emotions, feelings and have we can connect with each other.

This term we are having a big emphasis on life skills. We will follow different job rotas at the beginning and end of the day. For snack time we now will be taking it in turns to be snack monitor, make choices, prepare and clean up after we have finished.



Posted 04/09/2023
by Caroline Hambly

Welcome Back to Perranporth!

Please find below the outline for the Autumn Term 2023.



Posted 12/08/2023
by Michaela Wright

July 2023

And just like that the next school year is complete and what a fantastic year it has been.

During this month in literacy the children planned, wrote and edited their own letters as though they were children during the Ancient Greek times writing to a child of the future. They used knowledge they had learnt during their previous literacy and topic lessons to help them. They talked about how their lives were with the idea that they were helping to teach a child of the future about life for a child during this period of history. After recapping features of informal letters, the children planned out what information they wanted to include in their letters then drafted them out before editing them and writing them up in neat.

During our Topic lessons this month, the children studied the Trojan war and the Olympics in Ancient Greece. They researched early Olympics and compared it to research they completed on modern Olympics. They used lots of different sources of information for their work and we spent time recapping how to try and evaluate whether or not sources were reliable. 

The children completed lots of fantastic art work this month, they spent time completing sketch book work and experimenting with different textures.

In PSHE we have done lots of work on change and transition as Year 4 prepare to move down the road to our Gunnislake base. 

This month also saw the children of KS2 practice and perform a play titled ‘Jill and Fred’ which took the audience through different periods of History. All of the children did a fantastic job. As well as this we enjoyed events such as sports day and the Year 6 gun run.

I hope you all have a lovely summer break!


Head's Blog   The end of the school year!

Posted 31/07/2023
by Lynn Cox

I know that I probably write the same thing every year at this time, but I truly am astonished at how quickly this year has gone. What a fantastic final week we had with the children. They were tired, that was true, but it was lovely to see them saying goodbye to classmate who are moving to different schools after the holidays. This was especially true of the lovely Year 6 leavers. There was a special gathering on Friday for Tommy from the Arc where his class mates remembered his journey and his achievements- particularly his incredible piano playing. Then it was time for the Year 6 to say goodbye to one another and the Primary School phase of their learning journey. It was, in part a joyful celebration of the individual pupils and their achievements and an emotional farewell to the school bases, teachers and friends. It was made even more poignant by the fact that we said farewell to Mr Jamie Clatworthy and Mrs Becky Marshall. I know that this will not be goodbye for ever and that we will see them again and be updated on their new career paths.
I, myself have enjoyed this year. As ever, there have been challenges but it has been an absolute pleasure to be with your wonderful children and lead a team of incredible, kind, compassionate staff who work so very hard to make Delaware and Gunnislake such a special place to be. I wish you a safe summer filled with happy memories. See you on September 5th!


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.